Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Q-Tip's Scene is Set

After a recent conversation with friends, I was inspired to write this post. My friends, who will forever be known on this blog as Q-tip, Queen and Smore, and I were reflecting on what has been; more specifically, we were thinking back to exactly 1 year previous to today's date and re-living the emotions, the state of our personal and professional lives and the relationships we had at that point with friends and boyfriends.

This topic sort of came out of nowhere but, once it did, it was something we continued to think back to all day. It really is an interesting scenario to wrap your head around; where were you 1 year ago and what were you thinking/feeling/doing? Are you happy with the way things turned out 1 year down the road? about a complex cognition of your life and where it stands today.

With the scene set, my friend, Q-tip, remembers back to a time in her life where everything was in disarray; it seemed as if her life would never turn around and she contemplated going back home to New York to run away from it all. As her world began to break down around her, she envisioned a new future for herself without her current job, apartment and friends. For reasons beyond her control, she made the decision to stick it out and see what life would deal her next. Today, while wondering how she made it through that rough patch, she elicits those memories with adoration for what her life has become 1 year later.

She doesn't want to live her life through the rear view mirror, but she will probably frequent that time in 2008 often in order to appreciate where she is today.

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