Have you ever woken up and asked yourself, "what am I doing here, really?"
Rainy days are great "contemplate the world" days. They're usually one of the few days in which you really want to spend all day inside. They're perfect days to catch up on that book you're reading, that movie you've been wanting to watch or, in this case, that blog post you've needed to make. I spend many days in general contemplating life and its many different intricacies, but even more so on a day like today. If you simply watch the raindrops as they softly thud onto your windshield, bedroom window or eyeglasses, you can truly appreciate their existence. More often than not, we wish away the rain. However, its existence is not only important, it can also be very soothing and eye opening.
I've come to enjoy the way in which the pooled up rain on the road skids by as a roaring car comes to a halt or the noise the tiny droplets make as they fall on your umbrella. It definitely makes for an interesting commute, but if one is able to take just a moment to really watch the droplets, it's really eye opening how pretty they can be.
Great Rainy Day Song - "One Day You Will" by Lady Antebellum
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